Southern California Edison Projects


2011-2012 - 2011 Combined Heat and Power Facilities RFOs        

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      First of three Solicitations for Combined Heat and Power Facilities

Community Solar

 2016-2018 - SCE CR-RAM RFO     

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFOs for Renewable Energy from generating facilities that qualify as Community Renewable or Community Renewable Environmental Justice Projects

Distributed Demand Side Resources

2016-2017 - Goleta Area RFO for Distributed Energy Resources   

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFO soliciting offers for third party distributed resources to meet possible N-2 reliability conditions in the Goleta/Santa Barbara area

2021 - Distribution Investment Deferral Framework RFO               

·      Independent Evaluator

2020 - Distribution Investment Deferral Framework RFO               

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Through this RFO, SCE’s goal is to defer specific traditional distribution projects within SCE’s service area with procurement of distributed energy resources (“DERs”)

Energy Storage

2021 - Reliability Utility Owned Energy Storage RFI and RFP                   

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Seeking Design, Build, Transfer (DBT) contract for the construction of Battery Energy Storage Projects to be sited at SCE owned sub-station sites for up to 712.5 MW by 8/1/2022

2016 - Aliso Canyon Energy Storage RFO; Design, Build, Transfer RFP; bilateral storage contract to enhance existing SCE peaking plants     

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFO solicited RA offers for third-party Energy Storage contracts. SCE also issued Design, Build, Transfer RFP for which Sellers could provide a turnkey solution at SCE designated substation sites.

2018-2019 - Aliso Canyon 2 Energy Storage RFO   

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      20 MW Energy Storage solicitation

Energy Storage (IFOM & BTM) and Distributed Generation

2022-2023 - Distribution Investment Deferral Framework RFOs (DIDF, Standard Offer Contract, and Partnership Pilot)                       

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Three separate solicitations seeking distribution deferral assets to defer traditional transmission/distribution upgrades. 

Resource Adequacy

2021 - Q1-Q4 RA eSolicitations       

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Seeking offers to buy, sell, or swap RA capacity to meeting month-ahead and year-ahead compliance showings for 2021-2022

2020-2024 - Resource Adequacy Capacity, RA with Limited Energy Toll or CHP PPA, and Import Capability Transfers RFO  

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Through this RFO, SCE seeks to purchase RA capacity for delivery periods starting August 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024 from eligible supply sources. SCE also seeks to sell RA capacity for delivery period beginning April 1 to June 30 2020. 

2013 - RFO for Resource Adequacy             

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Resource Adequacy (RA Capacity)

2018 - Southern California Edison Company 2019 RA RFO

·      Independent Evaluator

·      Resource Adequacy Products to Meet Year-Ahead Capacity Requirements

2014 - RFOs for Resource Adequacy and Purchases and Sale of RA Capacity       

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RA RFO is designed to meet SCE’s year ahead RA procurement requirements


2014-2015 - SCE 2014 RPS Renewable RFP           

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFO for renewable resources to meet RPS requirements, including all the electric energy, capacity, RA benefits and Green Attributes.

2013-2014 - RFP for RPS Resources            

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Renewable Energy Projects Qualifying under the Renewable Portfolio Standard in CA

2016 - RPS Renewable RFP 2015     

·      Independent Evaluator                       

·      RFO for renewable resources to meet RPS requirements, including all the electric energy, capacity, RA benefits and Green Attributes.

2014 - RFO for GHG Offset Credits 

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Credits

2009 - RFP for Renewable Resources           

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFP for all renewable resources that qualify for California RPS requirements

2022-2023 - Renewable Portfolio Standard REC Market Offer Process      

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      SCE is offering PCIA-eligible Renewable Energy Credits under the RPS Voluntary Allocation Market Offer framework

Solar PV

2009-2010 - RFOs from Independent Power Producers for the Solar PV Program 

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      RFO seeks PPAs for up to 250 MW of primarily rooftop solar photovoltaic resources over a 5 year period

2010 - RFO for Renewable Energy from Facilities Not Greater than 20 MW         

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Eligible renewable resources for projects not greater than 20 MW located within the CAISO controlled grid. Total resources solicited – 250 MW. 


2019-2020 - Caithness Shepherds Flat Wind Energy Project Energy Offtake                     

·      Independent Evaluator

·      Sale of 845 MW of WSPP Schedule C Firm Energy with BPA Reserves and Associated Transmission Capacity


2012 - RFO for Transmission Capacity        

·      Independent Evaluator           

·      Solicitation for the procurement of existing firm point-to-point transmission capacity from the Pacific Northwest to California