On-Shore/Off-Shore Wind
SCE 2023 Shepherds Flats Offtake RFO
Soliciting Offers from potential offtakers for intermittent energy and associated transmission capacity from the Shepherd’s Flat wind projects located near Arlington, Oregon in the Bonneville Power Administration balancing area
PG&E Vantage Wind Project Firming and Shaping RFO
Scheduling Coordinator and/or Energy Delivery and Shaping Services
NYSERDA Fall 2019 Off-Shore Wind RFP
NYSERDA sought to procure Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificates from 2.4GW of offshore wind by 2030. This Phase 1 targeted procuring 800 MW of offshore wind.
Massachusetts DOER RFP for Long-Term Contracts For Offshore Wind Energy Projects
RFP (three rounds) is seeking up to 1,600 MW of Offshore Wind resources
SCE 2020 Caithness Shepherds Flat Wind Energy Project Energy Offtake
Soliciting offers for the sale of 845 MW of WSPP Schedule C Firm Energy with BPA Reserves and Associated Transmission Capacity
APS 2019 RFP for Wind Generation Resources
APS is seeking proposals for up to 250 MW of wind generation.
Pacificorp Renewable RFP (2017)
The RFP is seeking up to 1,270 MW of Wind Resources that can achieve a commercial operation date of no later than December 31, 2020. Request for wind generation is integrated with plans to construct a new transmission facility in Wyoming.